Recruiting is one of the most important things things your company does. You recruit not only to succeed as a business, but also to excel compared to your competitors. After all, what’s a company without employees? Ensure that your company continues on strong, long after you’ve moved on, by taking the time to attract, screen, and secure the best job candidates.
Traditional Recruiting Methods
Recruiting is hardly a new concept for businesses, no matter if they’re new or established. Despite the rapid pace of change in HR methods, many of the classic recruiting methods still have roles to play in today’s world.
Job Ads in the Local Paper
Like the many iterations of a building, there are things to like about both traditional and modern recruiting methods.
Newspapers are one of the oldest methods of connecting with people in their homes, and are still picked up and read by a large segment of the population today. In addition to traditional home delivery papers, most media companies now operate parallel online news sites. Make sure you check if your ad will be posted to both mediums, before you decide if it’s worth the investment.
Postings at the local Employment Office
Your local unemployment office will always be filled with people looking for work. Usually operating an extensive candidate database, financial hiring support programs, and supplementary training for struggling applicants, the employment office is a great place to affordably find many types of employees, very quickly.
Using Temp Agencies
Temporary employment agencies are quite common, and are occasionally their employees’ only source of income for extended periods of time. Experienced temporary workers can often pick up new tasks very quickly. When employers aren’t confident what the right applicant for the job will look like, or are only in need of short-term project help, these are a great way to go.
Hiring Internally
Hiring internally is a time-tested way to ensure you have the right person for the job, and is also probably one of the easiest. You and your team already personally know the people who work at your company, and you know their work history and performance. Making a decision can be difficult, andhiring internally can cause problems, but the savings in recruiting and training costs can be significant.
Modern Recruiting Methods
The world is growing and changing, and so is the world of recruiting. New technologies like the internet and smartphones have made information is available any time and anywhere.
Leverage Smart Phones
Smart phones access to countless applications and virtually any web page. Job candidates the world over are glued to their phones. Interact in their space by optimizing your careers portal, providing ample information about your company online, and even leveraging older phone features like SMS for recruiting.
Tap in to Social Media
Most young professionals use Facebook and Twitter more commonly than they read the newspaper. Facebook and Twitter are used for everything from news to family updates. Even sports recruiters have used Facebook and Twitter for scouting. You can maximize the benefit of social media and other erecruiting strategies by ensuring that you engage with your customers, your employees, and your job candidates through these channels.
While the mediums of traditional recruiting and modern recruiting are different, the underlying strategies are still largely the same. Find an audience, talk to it, and hope that words spreads. Modern recruiting, however, offers the added convenience of faster and wider information dissemenation, with opportunities for feedback and engagement.
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